> I'm on RH 7.3 Valhalla. Once I upgraded to this, I was able to get full > support for the Radeon card, however, I simply can't switch > (CTRL+ALT+F#) to a tty, and then back to X (CTRL+ALT+F7) without the > screen getting all scrambled, and everything locking up on me. > CTRL+ALT+Backspace doesn't work, CTRL+ALT+Delete doesn't work....nothing > does. I have to power off the laptop. > Hi, I have the same problem on my laptop (evo n600c, radeon M6 mobility, XFree 4.2.0 from Mandrake 8.2). I "solved" it by disabling dri, and I hope it's a temporary fix. By the way, when X hangs like that, it's still possible for me to remotely connect and kill X. I cannot restart it (there are error messages about the card not resetting or something), and if I don't have network, I can do a ctrl-alt-del to reboot. In all cases X takes 100 % cpu. Hope that helps, Alan PS: is there a difference between the "radeon" driver and the "ati" driver ? I'm using the "radeon" driver. PPS: please cc me if you answer, I'm not subscribed to the list. -- The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen.