I am new to the X platform and am trying real hard to decipher all that I can. Please bear with me. I am developing a VB Program in a WinNT environment that needs to access the X-Clipboard and transfer the text data on it to the Window's Clipboard. I am looking for a dll, exe, activex, or some other com type file that I may be able to use to access the X-Clipboard via Visual Basic. I have to be able to access the X-Clipboard via my external program and not via the X-Software directly as I am unable to change the coding in the application on the mainframe. If you should happen to have sample coding in VB or C that I could review that would be helpful as well. The X-Application is Hummingbird's Exceed v6.0.2.3. OS is NT 4.0 SP 6. As I stated above, I can not make changes to these scripts and need to locate the way to access the clipboard data as it is already there, just need to transfer it over via a call of some kind. Open to any and all suggestions. I know I should tell them to dump MS, but they won't... SO... working within the bounds how to I do this. Mike