Hi, I'd like to test out the new gatos drivers on a debian unstable box. For this they recommend I compile my own XFree86 4.2. But the thing I don't like to do is mess up my system dependencies. I have already successfully done a "make World", but I would prefere a way to install the xfree as non root into some non-standard location (e.g. '/home/al/x42'). Now 'xc/config/cf/site.def' contains a line with #ifndef ProjectRoot #define ProjectRoot /home/al/xf42/ #endif This is actually alread changed by me, some '/usr/X11R6' path was in there IIRC. Is this all I need to do to make it install into '/home/al/xf42' ? What else do I need to do? *) Change ProjectRoot in '/xc/config/cf/site.def' *) make World *) make install (as non root user) *) modify PATH to include '/home/al/xf42/bin' path *) modify LD_PRELOAD '/home/al/xf42/lib' path *) run 'startx' Would 'make install' also copy files to /etc? This would fail since non-root users cannot write there. I have never compiled X before, please help a beginner (; many thanks in advance, Andreas