> Oh foo! I posted before sending the code! This time it will be there. Sorry > Bill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Thanks to help from the forum, I am a step closer to being able to > display a whole bunch of UV fluorescent photos (of wood) but now I > have come up with an "not a proper resource" error after the SELECT > statement in trying to go the next step with a mysql_query statement. Are you saying that the mysql_query() causes the error? if so try replacing the line with something like: if (is_resource($connection)) { $resultuv = mysql_query($uvquery, $connection); } else { echo "Problem with connection resource<br />\n"; var_dump($connection); } to get an idea of why Also, what's in the connecttotaxa.php file? Is it just assignments of $hostname, , $username, $password; or does it also make a connection. If the former, then the file is confusingly named ;-) > I am largely sure that it is some error in my SELECT statement and > most likely an error in punctuation. Whatever it is, I am looking forward > to getting past this blockade. I have to be getting close to having the > photos showing. An image does show nicely if I temporarily hard code > the path and image file name. > > I have tested and found that so far, there are zero records showing. > There are various commented out lines you will likely wish to just ignore. > They have been efforts to try to figure out what was wrong. > > The choice of which wood (which botanical name) becomes current is a > user choice on another page. That is why I turned to using SESSION > statements to transfer the name. Only about 10 to 15% of woods I have > studied glow under UV. Later I will add statements so the UV button > shows only if there is a photo stored. > > Much thanks. Once I get the full path showing from the database for > each photo, I should be close to a successful finish. > > Bill Mudry > Mississauga, Ontario > > The code follows: > ======================================================= > [CODE] > <?php > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > // Program: show_uv_photos.php > // Description: This program displays Uv fluorescence photos of wood > found to glow under an ultraviolet > // light. This is around 10% - 15% of all wood species. > // > // It runs as a pop-up window and is activated by a button titled > "U.V. Fluorescence" generated by > // displayspecies.php. Future code may be added later to display the > buttons only if the program can > // detect UV photos stored for each species. > // PARAMETERS: > // {$_SESSION["speciesname"]} - Looks back to find what the > current species picked is. > // speciesname - The session variable name for the > cuurent species. > // $speciesname - The standard variable name taken from > the session variable. > // species_name - the name of the column that stores up > to over 15,000 different botanical naes of wood. > // uvphotos - the name of the table in the TAXA database > that holds the partial path and photo file > // name > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > session_start(); > > //ECHO "Session variable for species name is - > {$_SESSION['species_name']}"; //Debug statement > ?> > > <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" > "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> > <HTML> > <head> > <title>TAXA: Ultraviolet Wood Fluorescence</title> > > > </head> > > <body bgcolor='ivory'> > > <?PHP > > # > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > # CONNECT TO DATABASE > # > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > > > > include ("connecttotaxa.php"); > $connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) > or die("Unable to connect to database server"); > > $dbname="taxa"; > $db = mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection) > or die("Unable to connect to database"); > /* > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > HOPEFULLY CONNECTED AT THIS POINT > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > */ > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > // SECTION TO DISPLAY WOOD SCANS > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// > > Echo "<div align = 'center'>"; > > Echo "<H2 align=\'center\'>Ultraviolet Fluorescence Photo of > {$_SESSION["speciesname"]}</H2>"; > > $speciesname = $_SESSION["speciesname"]; //Successful > transfer of ssssion parameter to a variable. > //Echo "The species name is - $speciesname<br />"; //Proof > that it transferred properly > > //$uvquery = "SELECT * FROM uvphotos WHERE 'species_name' = > $speciesname"; > > $uvquery = "SELECT `uv_filename` FROM 'uvphotos' WHERE > `species_name`= $speciesname"; > > > > //$uvquery = "SELECT * FROM `uvphotos` WHERE `species_name` > = '{$_SESSION["speciesname"]}' " or die ('Error: '.mysql_error > ()); //No error reported. > > $resultuv = mysql_query($uvquery) or die(mysql_error()); > > /* > if(!$resultuv) > { > die(mysql_error()) > }; > */ > //Echo "\$resultuv on line 58 is - $resultuv<br />"; > > //$number=mysql_num_rows($resultuv); // This and the next > line only to debug a warning > //ECHO "Number of rows is - $number<br >"; > > if(mysql_num_rows($uvresults) >0){ > $row = mysql_fetch_array($resultuv); > extract($row); > } > > > //$uv_filename = row('uv_filename'); > > //ECHO "\$uv_filename on line 62 is - $uv_filename<br /><br />"; > > //$uvfilename = "uva/acacia_anura-mulgaUV01-800.JPG"; > $uvpath = "./uv/$uvfilename"; > > ECHO "<img src='$uvpath'><br />"; > > ECHO "<HR>"; > > Echo "<br />END OF PICTURE AREA<br /><br />"; > > Echo "</div>"; > > > > ?> > > <h4 align="center">Webmaster: This function is still Under Construction</h4> > > > > <table align='center' cellpadding='10', Cellspacing='20' border =1> > <tr> > <td valign='top'> > <form name='NewWin'> > <p><A href="javascript: self.close ()">Close > this Window</A></p> > </form> > </td> > > </tr > ></table> > > </body> > </HTML> > > > [/CODE] > > > -- > PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php -- Niel Archer -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php