Error: Not a proper resource --- with code this time!

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Oh foo! I posted before sending the code! This time it will be there. Sorry

Thanks to help from the forum, I am a step closer to being able to display a whole bunch of UV fluorescent photos (of wood) but now I
have come up with an "not a proper resource" error after the SELECT
statement in trying to go the next step with a mysql_query statement.

I am largely sure that it is some error in my SELECT statement and
most likely an error in punctuation. Whatever it is, I am looking forward
to getting past this blockade. I have to be getting close to having the
photos showing. An image does show nicely if I temporarily hard code
the path and image file name.

I have tested and found that so far, there are zero records showing.
There are various commented out lines you will likely wish to just ignore.
They have been efforts to try to figure out what was wrong.

The choice of which wood (which botanical name) becomes current is a
user choice on another page. That is why I turned to using SESSION statements to transfer the name. Only about 10 to 15% of woods I have
studied glow under UV. Later I will add statements so the UV button
shows only if there is a photo stored.

Much thanks. Once I get the full path showing from the database for
each photo, I should be close to a successful finish.

Bill Mudry
Mississauga, Ontario

        The code follows:
//  Program: show_uv_photos.php
// Description: This program displays Uv fluorescence photos of wood found to glow under an ultraviolet
//  light. This is around 10% - 15% of all wood species.
// It runs as a pop-up window and is activated by a button titled "U.V. Fluorescence" generated by // displayspecies.php. Future code may be added later to display the buttons only if the program can
//  detect UV photos stored for each species.
// {$_SESSION["speciesname"]} - Looks back to find what the current species picked is. // speciesname - The session variable name for the cuurent species. // $speciesname - The standard variable name taken from the session variable. // species_name - the name of the column that stores up to over 15,000 different botanical naes of wood. // uvphotos - the name of the table in the TAXA database that holds the partial path and photo file
//                      name

//ECHO "Session variable for species name is - {$_SESSION['species_name']}"; //Debug statement

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "";>
<title>TAXA: Ultraviolet Wood Fluorescence</title>


<body bgcolor='ivory'>


# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#                                           CONNECT TO DATABASE
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

include ("connecttotaxa.php");
$connection = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)
        or die("Unable to connect to database server");

$db = mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection)
        or die("Unable to connect to database");


        Echo "<div align = 'center'>";

        Echo "<H2 align=\'center\'>Ultraviolet Fluorescence Photo of

$speciesname = $_SESSION["speciesname"]; //Successful transfer of ssssion parameter to a variable. //Echo "The species name is - $speciesname<br />"; //Proof that it transferred properly

//$uvquery = "SELECT * FROM uvphotos WHERE 'species_name' = $speciesname";

$uvquery = "SELECT `uv_filename` FROM 'uvphotos' WHERE `species_name`= $speciesname";

//$uvquery = "SELECT * FROM `uvphotos` WHERE `species_name` = '{$_SESSION["speciesname"]}' " or die ('Error: '.mysql_error ()); //No error reported.

        $resultuv = mysql_query($uvquery) or die(mysql_error());

        //Echo "\$resultuv on line 58 is - $resultuv<br />";

//$number=mysql_num_rows($resultuv); // This and the next line only to debug a warning
        //ECHO "Number of rows is - $number<br >";

        if(mysql_num_rows($uvresults) >0){
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($resultuv);

        //$uv_filename = row('uv_filename');

        //ECHO "\$uv_filename on line 62 is - $uv_filename<br /><br />";

        //$uvfilename = "uva/acacia_anura-mulgaUV01-800.JPG";
        $uvpath = "./uv/$uvfilename";

        ECHO "<img src='$uvpath'><br />";

        ECHO "<HR>";

  Echo "<br />END OF PICTURE AREA<br /><br />";

Echo "</div>";


<h4 align="center">Webmaster: This function is still Under Construction</h4>

<table align='center' cellpadding='10', Cellspacing='20' border =1>
        <td valign='top'>
                <form name='NewWin'>
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