I've got a freshly installed PHP 5.2.6 (with a freshly installed Apache
2.2.8) on a Windows XP SP2 box (yes, I know SP3 is out).
Any file with even the slightest error in it (even a missing comma or
semicolon) causes PHP to balk.
Even a simple test script:
<?php echo 'Hello' echo ' World!'; ?>
causes PHP to output 0 bytes. No errors output, no errors logged.
In php.ini, display_errors = on, error_reporting = E_ALL.
I've also tried setting them in the script -
ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
Using PHP-CLI nets the same results. PHP stops in less than half a
second with zero output. The same script with no error takes 5 seconds
and then spits out the output.
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