Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone has had any success getting a connection
working with PHP via SFTP.
I am running
Win 2003 Server
PHP Version 5.1.6
Win32 OpenSSL v0.9.8e Light is installed
PECL module for SSH2 is installed
The following code
// create connetion to remote server
if (!$sftpConnection = ssh2_connect(DNCR_SERVERNAME, 22)) {
echo 'ERROR: Server connection failed.' . "\n";
// check fingerprint of remote server matches what we expect
$dncrFingerprint = ssh2_fingerprint($sftpConnection,
if ($dncrFingerprint != DNCR_FINGERPRINT && FALSE) {
echo 'ERROR: Hostkey mismatch.' . "\n";
// ensure that authentication methods allowed
$sshAcceptedAuthenticationMethods =
echo "\n" . 'Accepted authentication methods:' . "\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($sshAcceptedAuthenticationMethods); $i++)
echo $sshAcceptedAuthenticationMethods[$i] . "\n";
echo "\n";
$sshNegotiatedMethods = ssh2_methods_negotiated($sftpConnection);
echo 'Encryption keys were negotiated using: {' .
$sshNegotiatedMethods['kex'] . '}' . "\n";
echo 'Server identified using an {' .
$sshNegotiatedMethods['hostkey'] . '} with ';
echo 'fingerprint: ' . ssh2_fingerprint($sftpConnection) . "\n";
echo 'Client to Server packets will use methods:' . "\n";
echo 'Crypt: {' . $sshNegotiatedMethods['client_to_server']['crypt']
. '}' . "\n";
echo 'Comp: {' . $sshNegotiatedMethods['client_to_server']['comp'] .
'}' . "\n";
echo 'MAC: {' . $sshNegotiatedMethods['client_to_server']['mac'] .
'}' . "\n";
echo 'Server to Client packets will use methods:' . "\n";
echo 'Crypt: {' . $sshNegotiatedMethods['server_to_client']['crypt']
. '}' . "\n";
echo 'Comp: {' . $sshNegotiatedMethods['server_to_client']['comp'] .
'}' . "\n";
echo 'MAC: {' . $sshNegotiatedMethods['server_to_client']['mac'] .
'}' . "\n";
if (!ssh2_auth_password($sftpConnection, DNCR_USERNAME ,
echo 'ERROR: Cannot authenticate to remote server.' . "\n";
produces the following result
Accepted authentication methods:
Encryption keys were negotiated using: {diffie-hellman-group14-sha1}
Server identified using an {ssh-dss} with fingerprint: F4EE0910B0C6BA932908320145F87790
Client to Server packets will use methods:
Crypt: {aes256-cbc}
Comp: {none}
MAC: {hmac-sha1}
Server to Client packets will use methods:
Crypt: {aes256-cbc}
Comp: {none}
MAC: {hmac-sha1}
*Warning*: ssh2_auth_password() [function.ssh2-auth-password <http://vesd.rd.cx/phoenix/function.ssh2-auth-password>]: Authentication failed for myusername using password in *c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\VESD\phoenix\composer-stage1-wash-file-submission.php* on line *67*
ERROR: Cannot authenticate to remote server.
I can connect to this remote server via SFTP using Filezilla so there is
no firewall issues.
I also did a bit of reading on the accepted authentication method of
keyboard-interactive and it states that password should be allowed to be
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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