Jacob Bergman wrote:
Sorry about that...
Anyways, I created a phpinfo page and don't see anything about mysql in
the output...
Then it's not enabled. Have you restarted your web server since changing
php.ini? Are you sure you changed the right php.ini (look near the top
of the phpinfo output for where it should go).
-----Original Message-----
From: Stut [mailto:stuttle@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 8:41 AM
To: Jacob Bergman
Cc: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Testing MySQL PHP connection
Please include the list when replying.
Jacob Bergman wrote:
Yeah, the extension=php_mysqli.dll line is enabled in the php.ini
Doesn't that error indicate something wrong with the php file itself?
Have you restarted Apache/IIS/whatever since changing it?
The error indicates that it doesn't have any knowledge of a function
called mysqli_connect. That function will be registered when the
extension is loaded, so the extension is not being loaded (either
correctly or at all).
If you have then make a phpinfo page (http://php.net/phpinfo) and check
that PHP thinks MySQLi is installed.
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