I am trying to use WMI to schedule a Job. Here is the error and my code. Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message '<b>Source:</b> SWbemObjectEx<br/><b>Description:</b> Invalid parameter ' in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\com.php:46 Stack trace: #0 C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\com.php(46): variant->Create('"Cleanup.exe", ...') #1 {main} thrown in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\com.php on line 46 <?php $hostname = "."; $wmi = new COM("WinMgmts://{$hostname}/root/cimv2"); $JobId = "JobID"; $newJob = $wmi->Get("Win32_ScheduledJob"); $newJob->Create('"Cleanup.exe", "********123000.000000-420",True , 1 OR 4 OR 16, , , JobID'); /* VBScript That works: strComputer = "." Set objService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer) Set objNewJob = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ScheduledJob") errJobCreated = objNewJob.Create _ ("Cleanup.exe", "********123000.000000-420", _ True , 1 OR 4 OR 16, , , JobID) */ ?>