I ran into this problem a lot as well, then just decided to never use
short tags and have since had no problems.
The other thing I found helpful is to setup my development environment
on my local system to be the same (or as close to as possible) as what's
on my host's server. It took me some arguing to get a few specific PHP
settings from them (such as magic quotes enabled which I normally don't
use) but finally got them to provide me the details. Once I did this, my
development time was cut down significantly because I could do all my
development and testing locally and be able to upload to the server and
it would work. If you can do something similar, I highly recommend it.
trystano@xxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Stefan,
thats probably it :) Will give it a try when I get home.
-----Original Message-----
From: sx03@xxxxxxxxxx
To: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 2.30PM
Subject: Re: php5
Hi Trystan!
> Recently I had to perform a fix, so got the files off the server, and then loaded them up on my local PC (running 5.0). I had quite a few problems. For example, using <?= some code ?> didn't work, I had to change them to <?php echo some code ?> (is there something I can change in the PHP.ini file so that PHP 5.* can use <?= statements?).
Don't know, if it works for <?= too, but
short_open_tag = On
will allow using <? instead of <?php
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