Please forgive the somewhat off topic post, but this just seemed like the best place to start.
This is a fine place to ask, but for future PEAR questions you might also try the php-pear-general group.
I'm trying to install PEAR on my Win XP box. I'm running Apache and PHP 5. It seems like the best place to put PEAR is in the Apache htdocs folder. I installed Apache under the "Program Files" folder. (note the space). go-pear.php chokes on the space, but if I put
Here's the thing. PHP scripts (i.e. PEAR) don't *have* to be under the document root. In fact it's probably better to not do that anyways. I have my own PEAR installation under C:\PHP\PEAR. Just make sure that the path to PEAR is in your php.ini (it needs to be added to your include_path) and all PEAR scripts should run fine.
If memory serves I just used the go-pear.bat and use all of the default choices. In fact I re-installed everything just now and it installed perfectly. In fact it will even change your include_path, if you want it to do this for you.
Another tip: after PEAR is install from the command prompt you can type
cd\PHP pear --help
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