Im having a problem that im assuming is related to my core PHP code rather than the pear file I am trying to include (though if you folks think I need to look into that, thats ok too). Basically im seeing the following when I try to load my page:
Warning: main(DB.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\wamp\www\testing\Ch4\test_dbi.php on line 26
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'DB.php'
I think you need to change your seperator to a semilcolon instead ;)
Go to your php.ini (wherever you keep it) and change your include path to this:
Forward slashes are not a problem for me, but then again I use Apache YMMV
Strange, do you have two PEAR installations? You should only need one unless you're trying to maintain a testing tree and a production tree.
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