Pretty easy.
If you check the directory you installed php to (mine, for example, is c:\php), there should be a directory 'cli'.
Within this there should be an executable 'php.exe'.
To do an initial test, go there in DOS mode, set up a dummy script and put it in this same directory. To run it, at prompt just type 'php test_script.php' and hit enter.
Also, as far as timing out goes, just use php command set_time_limit(0).
Hope this gets you started.
At 06:57 PM 27/09/2004, you wrote:
How easy is it to set php up to run as a scripting language on Windows? I've set it up and ran it on web servers before but not as a local scripting language.
What I am needing to be able to do is run a php script like you would a batch file, and I need it to not time out after 30 seconds as well. As I'm needing to call a php script from a batch file so I can add information to a MySQL database via the batch file.
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