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I got it the first time, so guess it went through.

I don't remember if it needs to be this strict or not, but I'd do it
this way:

Echo "<OPTION value=$Name>$Name</OPTION>";

Doensn't look like you're ECHOing or otherwise outputting the OPTION tag
and I usually include a "value=" with my options.

No need to use the "." to concatenate a simple variable like that, if
the "$Name" is in the quotes, it'll get interpreted.

Hope this helps!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck [mailto:cmorris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 3:41 PM
> To: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:  PHP and HTML
> Sorry if this was posted twice.  I don't think the first one 
> went thru.
> Hello everyone.  I have the following script that creates a 
> listbox.  My box
> appears, but I can't get any data into it.  Can someone let 
> me know what I'm
> doing wrong.
>     <SELECT name="Company List" multiple size="8">
>     <?php
>       $db = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
>       $dsn = "DRIVER=SQL Server; SERVER=D63WV941;UID=sa;PWD=sa;
>       $db->Open($dsn);
>       $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT * from company");
>       while (!$rs->EOF)
>       {
>         $Name = $rs->Fields['Name']->Value;
>         // This doesn't get listed.
>         "<OPTION>".$Name;
>         $rs->MoveNext();
>       }
>     ?>
>     </SELECT>
> I appreciate the help,
> Chuck
> -- 
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