RE: I've found the cause of the error but I cant fix it.

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It sounds like a fairly common problem.  You probably want to check the entry in your PHP.INI file:

register_globals = Off

You might have had it turned ON before in which case you wouldn't have to use $_POST or $_GET to get the values of the variables, they're automatically assigned to whatever the $_POST or $_GET variable name is.

For security reasons, you really should set it to OFF (as illustrated above).  Sample code/example follows:

-------------  Before Reinstall (assuming "register_globals = ON") ---------------
<input type="text" name="testvariable" value="50">

Echo "Value of testvariable is: $testvariable";
Output: Value of testvariable is: 50

------------- After Reinstall (assuming "register_globals = OFF") ----------
<input type="text" name="testvariable" value="50">

Echo "Value of testvariable is: $testvariable";
Output: Value of testvariable is:
(no value is present in $testvariable because it's not automatically assigned when "register_globals" is turned off)

------------- After Reinstall ("register_globals = OFF") ----------
<input type="text" name="testvariable" value="50">

$testvariable = $_REQUEST["testvariable"];
Echo "Value of testvariable is: $testvariable";
Output: Value of testvariable is: 50
(no value is present in $testvariable because it's not automatically assigned when "register_globals" is turned off)

Try something like that.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alejandro César Garrammone [mailto:agarrammone@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:39 AM
> To: Gryffyn, Trevor
> Cc: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re:  I've found the cause of the error but 
> I cant fix it.
> I understands you well but the problem is a week ago with a 
> OS Win98 all the pages funcioned very well, but when I install
> WinXP, and configure the mysql, apache and php and I tested with
> the same pages I've used on W98 it's not working.
> Where is the configuring problem?
> If you need some of the files like php.ini and httpd.conf, 
> tell me and I'll send you those files.
> Thxs for helping me!!!
> Alex
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gryffyn, Trevor" <TGryffyn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: "Alejandro César Garrammone" <agarrammone@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 1:18 PM
> Subject: RE:  I've found the cause of the error but 
> I cant fix it.
> If you're used to running on a system with register_globals 
> turned ON then
> you might run into a snag with something like this since the 
> GET and POST
> values aren't automatically assigned to the variables you're 
> trying to echo.
> You need to do:
> $variablename = $_GET["variablename"];
> Or...
> $variablename = $_POST["variablename"];
> Or..
> $variablename = $_REQUEST["variablename"];
> The last one (REQUEST) will populate the $variablename 
> variable with either
> GET or POST data so can be used for either.  I forget the 
> order that it
> takes it though, I believe it essentially does:
> If (isset($_POST["variablename"])) $variablename = 
> $_POST["variablename"];
> If (isset($_GET["variablename"])) $variablename = 
> $_GET["variablename"];
> (or vice versa)
> So if both $_POST["variablename"] and $_GET["variablename"] 
> are both set,
> then the data stored in the GET overwrites the POST data 
> previously assigned
> to $variablename.
> It IS possible to pass both POST and GET data at the same time:
> <form action="index.php?GETVARIABLE=testget" method="POST">
>   <input type="text" name="POSTVARIABLE" value="testpost">
> </form>
> Var_dump($_REQUEST) will have both GETVARIABLE and POSTVARIABLE values
> ("testget" and "testpost" respectively) available where as 
> $_GET only has
> the GETVARIABLE value ("testget") and $_POST only has the 
> ("testpost")
> -TG
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Alejandro César Garrammone [mailto:agarrammone@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:48 PM
> > To: php-windows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject:  I've found the cause of the error but I
> > cant fix it.
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> > The problem is the GET and the POST method.
> > I've create a simple form and I pass my name on it, on the
> > other hand, on the file referenced in the form, I put an echo
> > with the variable, and it doesn't print it. (I use GET, on
> > the link it shows it, but the variable is empty).
> >
> > How can I fix it?
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Alex
> >

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