The following script is from Kevin Yank's book (Sitepoint).
When I test it _without_ entering a name in the text box and hit submit, the _next_ page loads - however the same page should load beacuse of the conditional ........ if (!isset($name) ): .....
If I replace
This only checks if a variable has not been set. Any value, including an empty string "" can cause !isset($name) to fail; this is correct.
if (empty($name)):
Right... now you're checking if $name is empty. Empty($name) would fail this test, which is correct also.
and do not enter a name then the _same_ page loads which is what is supposed to happen.
Why doesn't the call to !isset() with the negation mark loads the next page when a name is not entered?
Because the tutorial writer meant it to work that way? Sometimes it is useful to pass empty strings to a php script. But in any case, you understand the PHP functions correctly.
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