Encryption, Decryption

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quick question.

have someone a better solution for link encryption?

here is mine


	// func_cryption_old.inc.php

	function fnCrypt($string){
		settype($string, "string");

		$string = trim($string);

			return false;

		return fnCryptV1($string);

	function fnDeCrypt($string){
		settype($string, "string");

		$string = trim($string);

			case "1";

				$string = fnDeCryptV1(substr($string,0,strlen($string)-2));

		return $string;

	function fnCryptV1($string){

		$rand = rand(1,128);

		$max = bcsub(255,$rand,0);

		$text_plain = trim($string);

		$num = strlen($text_plain);

		$text_inter = "";
		$text_hex   = "";
		$text_pack  = "";

		for($schleife=0; $schleife<$num; $schleife++){
			$bit = ord(substr($text_plain,$schleife,1));

			$bit_inter = trim(bcsub($max,$bit,0));
			$bit_hex   = trim(dechex($bit_inter));

			if(strlen($bit_hex) != 2){
				$bit_hex = "0".$bit_hex;

			$text_hex .= $bit_hex;

		$rand_hex = dechex($rand);

		if(strlen($rand_hex) != 2){
			$rand_hex = "0".$rand_hex;

		$text_hex = $rand_hex.$text_hex;

		$text_pack = pack("H*",$text_hex);

		$text_base64 = base64_encode($text_pack)."v1";

		return $text_base64;

	function fnDeCryptV1($string){
		settype($string, "string");

		$string = trim($string);

		$feedback = "";

		$text_base64 = base64_decode($string);

		$text_unpack = implode("",unpack("H*",$text_base64));

		$rang = hexdec(substr($text_unpack,0,2));
		$max  = bcsub(255,$rang,0);

		$text_unpack = substr($text_unpack,2);

		$num  = strlen($text_unpack);

		for($schleife=0; $schleife<$num; $schleife = bcadd($schleife,2,0)){
			$hex = substr($text_unpack,$schleife,2);

			$bit_dec   = trim(hexdec($hex));
			$bit_uninter = trim(bcsub($max,$bit_dec,0));

			$feedback .= chr($bit_uninter);


		//echo "($feedback)";
		return $feedback;



but it suxx,... often the links are toooooooooo long....

have someone an better code +hoping+ or even an documention for self-coding?


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