hay guyz im stuck with substr now im sure i ve actually lost it .... i have a string being passed to a graph as its title and the title is being retrieved from mysql db now whenever i store anything with <br> or /r/n its displayed normally on the screen but this time i have to pass this to a jpeg chart being created by jd library which is then displayed on the screen and the title gets displayed as Medicine Reports /r/n (report generated for below 60% stocked medicines) where its supposed to display Medicine Reports (report generated for below 60% stocked medicines) i have tried a few functions but none of them seem to be working i can, however pass two strings as title and sub-title to the graph function call and for this i need to splitt the title retrieved from db to two strings ...... ================================================================= <?php //$pg='rprt_gf_py_3d_1'; // ma dta $max_data = count($gfData); for ($k = 0; $k < $max_data; $k++) { //$arrData[$k] = $gfData[$k] * $factor ; $data[$k] = $gfData[$k] ; } // Create the Pie Graph. $graph = new PieGraph(850,600,"auto"); $graph->SetShadow(); /************************* trying 2 split title :P:P:P ! ! ! ! **************************/ $newStr=""; //Replacing \n with <br> /*$tok = strtok($title,":P"); while ($tok) { $newStr = $newStr.$tok."<br>"; $tok = strtok(":P"); } */ $tok = split($title,":P"); //while ($tok) { $newStr = $newStr.$tok."<br>"; //$tok = substr(":P"); //} echo ($newStr); //$newStr = explode("\r\n","$title"); //$newStr = explode(chr(10),"$title"); //$newStr = preg_split("/[ \t]+/", $title); // Set A title for the plot $graph->title->Set("$newStr"); $graph->subtitle->Set("sub"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA,FS_BOLD,18); $graph->title->SetColor("darkblue"); $graph->legend->Pos(0.1,0.2); // Create 3D pie plot $p1 = new PiePlot3d($data); $p1->SetTheme("sand"); $p1->SetCenter(0.4); $p1->SetSize(150); // Adjust projection angle $p1->SetAngle(45); // Adjsut angle for first slice $p1->SetStartAngle(45); // Display the slice values $p1->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,11); $p1->value->SetColor("navy"); // Add colored edges to the 3D pie // NOTE: You can't have exploded slices with edges! $p1->SetEdge("navy"); for ($i = 0; $i < $max_data; $i++) { if ($arrData[$i] > $max_value) $max_value = $arrData[$i]; if ( strlen($label[$i]) > $max_label_width ) $max_label_width = strlen($label[$i]); $p1->SetLegends($label); $ttl_rkrdz = array_sum($gfData); } $graph->Add($p1); $graph->Stroke("abc.jpg"); echo(" <table width='100%' border='1'> <tr> <td align='right'> <img src=abc.jpg> </td> </tr> </table> <br><br><br> "); $table_text = "<table align=center border='0'><tr><td align='center'> </td></tr> <tr><td align=center></td></tr><tr><td align=center ><br><table border=4><tr>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $max_data; $i++) { if ($arrData[$i] > $max_value) $max_value = $arrData[$i]; if ( strlen($label[$i]) > $max_label_width ) $max_label_width = strlen($label[$i]); $table_text = $table_text . "<th> " . $label[$i] . " </th>"; $ttl_rkrdz = array_sum($gfData); } $table_text = $table_text . "</tr>"; $table_text = $table_text . "<tr>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $max_data; $i++) { $table_text = $table_text . "<td style= \"font-family: $font\" >" . $gfData[$i] . "</td>"; } $table_text = $table_text . "</tr> </table></td></tr> <tr> <td style= \"font-family: $font\"> </td> </tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> <tr> <td> <table border='4' align=center> <tr> <th width='50%' valign='center' style= \"font-family: $font\"> Total Records </th> <td width='50%' valign='center' style= \"font-family: $font\"> $ttl_rkrdz </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> "; echo($table_text); ?> ============================================================= will someone plz jerk me out of this ..... ????? thnx a million toby ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/ -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php