I thought pconnect was fixed, but it seems to be coming back to haunt me again. anyone using this? Do you find pconnect doesn't seem to reuse connections and keeps reopening connections for each pconnect call. I don't think setting a short wait_timeout is the solution, as this seems to be counter intuitive to having persistent connections anyway. Besides, within my framework I proxy connection calls and cache the 1st connection for reuse so there is ever only 1 connection per script execution - if this is all pconnect does then my method is just as efficient. My expectation is for the persistence to happen over multiple script executions... yet somehow I sense that it's not possible to do this because I'm vaguely aware that win32 (non) threading model wouldn't (shouldn't) be able to find the last thread that apache is running on (then again, isn't there only 1 thread?)... hmmm. There is barely any documentation on this, like: "it just doesn't work under win32". Even that would be fine. Ideas? PHP dudes? Any better success on php4isapi anyone? ---------------------------------------------- Sek-Mun Wong Connecting Space Sydney, Australia mailto:sekmun@connectingspace.com p:+61 2 92332819 f:+61 2 92338872 m: +61 (0) 402 138974 http://www.connectingspace.com -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php