blaiseg07 wrote: > "Requires installation of untrusted packages." > > What you probably need to do is import the signing key for wine1.3 into Software Sources->Authentication - Import Key. The Key is on "technical details about this ppa" page. Just save the copied key text as a file and import it. Ah, that did it. I followed the instructions on the page to "add-apt-repository" and was able to reinstall. This is why I posted the question here -- I figured this forum would be more likely to have people who had encountered and solved the problem. I haven't gotten an answer yet at ubuntuforums. I can see that this is an Ubuntu problem, but there are so many Ubuntu-specific posts at this forum this almost seems like an Ubuntuforums sub-forum. I'm a little surprised I didn't find some announcement of that Ubuntu Wine Team somewhere. Just goes to show we still have problems with searching -- if you don't figure out the right keywords to use you won't find the answer.