ok, I modify programm and add key checks if Reg.ValueExists('InstallDate') then begin sId := IntToStr(Reg.ReadInteger('InstallDate')); end; It's help me and the program start working!!! Now I try to work with my program and add new connection, and i get some bugs 1 Some littel bug with interface, with TListView 2 And bug with XML file, with settings of program, I debug Viewer and found, that settings id don't saving on disk in the file, The root to the file "C:\users\Public\Application Data\connections_3.4.xml" - file is Ok, but i can't found it in system folders of Ubuntu, but program is work correctly. I testing pogram and found error TXMLDocument.SaveToFile(AFile); // ERROR - Some time functions saved a clear empty file without data I dont know is it bug of Wine or my program, but on the windows i don't have this bug. I change program to save XML as StringList TXMLDocument.SaveToXML(string1); TStringList.Add(string1); TStringList.SaveToFile(AFile, TEncoding.Unicode); It's working. Okkkk..... Now I try connect from Viewer (Wine Ubuntu) to my Server (Windows) and authorization process is failed, not errors and not bugs, i need debug program.... Tomorrow i will test the program Fixed Viewer if you a intrested to testing http://litemanager.ru/bug_test/ROMViewer_wine.zip Thank you!