Update I no longer use Ubuntu, I changed to Fedora 15 because I like Gnome 3 more than Unity. I have the exactly same problem over here, the terminal output is also the same. I've tried using it in an emulated desktop but that didn't work, changing wine to another Windows version doesn't work too. I just tried to launch the game directly without loading the patcher first and then I got an error: [Image: http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs39/f/2009/001/d/b/error1_by_B3N0.png ] This isn't my image btw, I have some problems with uploading images to 'my favorite image hosting site'. It's the same error message except that my program is: "Program: C:\Nexon\Atlantica\Atlantica.exe" The title of that box is: "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library". I used 'a search engine' and I found out that I have to install winetricks to solve this problem. I tried a lot of ways to install it but none of them worked... Anyone can help me with this?