jadamso wrote: > > My question is whether anyone can recommend the best set-up to utilise wine. Should I go for a fast single core or a multicore processor. Can you open and run concurrent wine applications and have them assigned to a single core? > 1.) You can't actually buy single core processors new anymore. A basic dual-core Athlon II is so cheap there is no point buying a single-core CPU (even if you could find one e.g. on Ebay, etc.) 2.) If you really want to do pro-audio work then using something like Ubuntu Studio (http://ubuntustudio.org/) might be a good idea (comes with a low-latency/pseudo real-time pre-emptive kernel). 3.) If you install the different applications you want (that need low latency) in separate Wine prefixes... Then this will allow you to assign the Wine server, and other Wine processes for each application, to a separate processor core. Bob