And by the way, if someone else is sitting on a ATI graphics card, and wants to use the built in audio function over HDMI/DVI, I needed to create an /etc/asound.conf to get things working. If not there was no "default" alsa device. Here is what the file looks like for me: Code: pcm.mymix { type dmix ipc_key 1021 # must be unique! slave { pcm "hw:1,3" period_time 0 period_size 1024 # must be power of 2 buffer_size 8192 # ditto #format "S32_LE" #periods 128 # ditto rate 48000 } bindings { 0 0 # from 0 => to 0 1 1 # from 1 => to 1 } } pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "mymix" } pcm.dsp { type plug slave.pcm "mymix" } pcm.dsp0 { type plug slave.pcm "mymix" } pcm.dsp1 { type plug slave.pcm "mymix" } I don't know if dsp, dsp0 and dsp1 is needed, but they were in the example I copied. After doing this it's possible to use for example: aplay -D default someaudio.wav What also could have been done was: Code: { type plug slave.pcm "mymix" } And then using 'wine' as a device exclusive for wine. But any other device than default seems to only allow one connection at a time, while default allows many. That's what I've figured out so far. :)