Terminal session: john@john-lynx-lts:~$ winetricks jet40 Executing wine /home/john/.winetrickscache/jet40sp8_9xnt.exe fixme:setupapi:extract_cabinet_file awful hack: extracting cabinet "C:\\users\\john\\Temp\\IXP001.TMP\\Jetsetup.CAB" err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"C:\\Program files\\Common files\\Microsoft shared\\dao\\dao2535.tlb" failed with error 2 Install of jet40 done winetricks done. john@john-lynx-lts:~$ Now I ran this before, but I reran it because the app I am using says the engine is not present. The app is landscape designer for SC4RH. Is the error telling me that the package is there? or is this something else?