I am trying to use winepath to convert between the WINE native file path and the normal Mac native filepath. Unfortunately, I do not seem to be able to return the logical Mac UNIX path when using winepath: Macintosh:~ tpatko$ /Applications/Firefly/WINE/bin/wine winepath -u Z:\Applications\Firefly\BENCH1.out /Users/tpatko/.wine/dosdevices/z:/Users/tpatko/ApplicationsFireflyBENCH1.out Macintosh:~ tpatko$ When making this call, for example, the correct Mac UNIX native filepath should be: /Applications/Firefly/Bench1.out Is there some options that I am missing or are there some changes to the source code required to make this work? http://wiki.winehq.org/winepath My build is from source code version 1.1.33 (I know that there are newer version but it they do not address this issue then the difference are moot). If anyone has some good ideas I would be appreciate. Cheers, Thomas