Yes Wine is version 1.1.41 which I installed yesterday. This was my first try using Wine so I downloaded the latest from the Winehq site. On the Config file it shows 1.1.41 on the About tab. As for the "Program" problem, I tried simply to navigate to the pre-installed Wine directories in terminal ie. ~/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/Office/PHOTODRAW.EXE but I could get no further than ~/Program and it didn't recognise ~/Program Files as it stopped as soon as it saw the space after ~/Program before the word "Files". I hope that makes sense! When I enetered my own path [ Photodraw allowed me to enter a different location for the prog] I used ~/Program/Microsoft/ and it set it up for me. The location of the prog is now therefore ~/Program/Microsoft/Office/PHOTODRAW.EXE and like that it opens without problem and has put the logo in the Ubuntu Wine, Programs list but as I say, when I try to use it, the editor screen remains empty. I have been using Photodraw for years soat least I know how that works and it performs flawlessly in Windows XP but sadly on Ubuntu...........