> If I'm not mistaken the exact same source code is used for all compilers and platforms... Yeah. Using ./configure enables cross-platform compilation. But here is a case where ./configure runs normally, creates Makefiles... and "make" fails. > Anyway what is your goal of compiling Wine on mingw? According to my previous post (http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=7199&sid=a236c4a175279fb57fe6ae8d512fd502), I wanted to compile ddraw tests, modify them, and compile again until I find² where the bug is². But "make test" failed. Among other errors, wild.exe was needed so I ran "make" which failed too and so it's why I asked you how to do that. ² : sorry if I am mistaken in the tense of this sentence, please correct me if you wish