Ubuntu 9.04 64bits Desktop version. kernel nvidia 8600M graphic card, using nvidia binary 190.42 drivers. wine version 1.1.33. World of warcraft installer v1.4.0.250. I have a fully working wow installation, but when trying to use 'installwow.exe' from wow webpage to download/install wow burning crusade expansion, dialog appears trying to download but after about 10-15 sec, get error message "Failed to download world of warcraft installer. Please close all applications and try again". Here is the console output! username@laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/World of Warcraft$ wine installwow.exe err:wininet:HTTP_HttpOpenRequestW Unable to escape string!(L"/streaming-installer/wow/8874patch3.0.1-test2/enGB/Installer Tome 2.mpq.0") (-2147467261) Above error message respawn about 5-7 times. Have also tried use 'env WINEPREFIX="/home/username/.wine" wine installwow.exe'. Please Help!