No one maintains an install for Wine for Mac OS X. I have thought about volunteering for doing this, but sadly I do not have access to a 10.4 machine to make builds on... I do currently make builds that run on 10.5 and 10.6 though. I would appreciate if anyone could help test out the build I have made though, and maybe with some help I could keep up a Mac version for everyone. See the following download link for a test install of Wine 1.1.31 for Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6. It is a normal Wine install to /usr/local, no GUIs or anything special (though OpenAL is disabled because I cannot get the compiler to make it without causing an error) Link to doh123's Unofficial Wine Installer ( If anyone would like to give me input or help out, that would be great... I'd just like to see Mac OS X as an option in the normal downloads, so Mac users don't have to try to compile Wine themselves.