On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 01:22, richardrosa <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Although I agree with everyone who suggested NOT to run FAT32, it is not that simple. The systems I support require BOTH Windows & Linux, and need to have access to common data and applications. I would LOVE to be able to tell the folks who use these systems that Windows is no longer needed. Alas, there are some applications (and users) that insist on using an MS operating system. EXT2 does not play well in a Windows world, likewise for NTFS on the Linux side. FAT32 is the one format that seems to be tolerated well by both OSs. The day that I can bid Windows goodbye, FAT32 will go with it. > You should be installing you applications in wine, not running them from your Windows partition. If disk space is an issue, you might get away symlinking the data files to a common FAT32 partition from Windows and Linux. (Windows symlinking only works on directories (on 2K/XP at least) and requires NTFS. Google 'ntfs junction' for details) If installers does not work, you might need to copy them somewhere more unixy first... If you have lots of swap, a tmpfs /tmp might work nicely, or a temporary loop-mounted file on a Windows partition can work as well if you have the free space...