David Gerard wrote: > 2009/8/18 RabbitWho <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx>: > > > > I'm currently trying to swap a very old computer over to Puppy Linux so that it will work better. Puppy installed fine and is working beautifully and i have no problems except that I can't get the Internet to work. > > My internet: > > 3g Dongel HUAWEI Model:E160g > > This dongel contains software for windows and mac that automatically installs, (actually it doesn't even work properly on mac, but that's not important) Â but it's not supported on linux > > > > > Wine won't help it connect - network connection stuff would have to be > done at the Linux level. > > But I do know that model of dongle works just fine on Ubuntu, so it > should be possible to get it working on Puppy. (That machine could run > Xubuntu just about okay - main constraint being memory.) > > > - d. Aye it works on Ubuntu alright! We just plugged it in (on a different computer) and POOF! There are a list of devices on puppy that I assume will make it go poof like this, but the HUAWEI one isn't one of them. My cousin tried downloading a patch for it, but then it didn't work and he got annoyed and gave up. I'd really appreciate any suggestions! Windows XP is working reasonably okay on the computer, but quite slowly, someone on the Ubuntu forum told me they wouldn't expect a performance boost from switching from XP to Xubuntu, and my computer only barely reaches the minimum standards for Xubuntu anyway. I will try it out as a last resort though. RAM is the big issue all the time. Puppy doesn't even use a fraction of it, it's wonderful.. if only I could sort out this one little problem.. but even if there's no solution now, there are people writing things for it every day, I'll get there eventually. So we know ubuntu can recognize it, is there away to just apply that to Puppy? > > If the dongle shows up as a physical hard drive on Windows, then you might get it to work. > James McKenzie It does indeed! It's worth a shot anyway, the more I fail the more I learn.