2009/8/18 RabbitWho <wineforum-user@xxxxxxxxxx>: > I'm currently trying to swap a very old computer over to Puppy Linux so that it will work better. Puppy installed fine and is working beautifully and i have no problems except that I can't get the Internet to work. > My internet: > 3g Dongel HUAWEI Model:E160g > This dongel contains software for windows and mac that automatically installs, (actually it doesn't even work properly on mac, but that's not important) but it's not supported on linux Wine won't help it connect - network connection stuff would have to be done at the Linux level. But I do know that model of dongle works just fine on Ubuntu, so it should be possible to get it working on Puppy. (That machine could run Xubuntu just about okay - main constraint being memory.) - d.