I'm having a problem with games running in wine fullscreen with nvidia proprietary driver 185.18 under Fedora 11 64-bit. My desktop resolution is 1920x1200, and when I run a game with 1280x960 fullscreen setup (like Halo for example), it changes resolution to 1280x960 and runs fullscreen as expected, but when I move the mouse toward the edge rapidly, it pans the game screen away as if 1280x960 screen is moving around the larger 1920x1200 desktop, with the 1280x960 game display at the lower right corner of the larger desktop. If I run xrandr manually before launching the game, e.g., xrandr --output default --mode 1280x960 then panning no longer occurs, so the game display stays on the screen, but now a different problem occurs: The mouse cursor moves slowly toward upper left corner by itself, as if adjusting to a scaled coordinate (maybe scaling 1920x1200 to 1280x960? I don't know.) I can move it around, but it still slowly heads toward the upper left corner. Obviously I can't control the game movement that requires the mouse, as it slowly moves the 1st person view toward the sky for example. How do I solve this problem? Setting DXGrab on or off has no effect.