This is my attempt so far :D 1. removed winetricks, then wine directory first with m -rf ~/.wine, then sudo apt-get remove wine. haven't removed libwine. is that necessary? 2. have installed build-essential 11.3 (binutils dpkg-dev g++ g++-4.1 gcc gcc-4.1 libc6-dev libssp0 libstdc++6-4.1-dev linux-kernel-headers make) 3. added Code: deb-src v106 main contrib non-free to sources, and sudo apt-get update 4. downloaded wine source 1.1.21 to /home/user/download. cd to /home/user/download and ran tar xvf wine-XXXXXXXXXX.tar.bz2. cd to /home/user/download/wine-1.1.21 and ran ./tools/wineinstall. this asked for flex, and bison which were then installed. (should have read the read me file more carefully, it says that there!) Output so far gives Code: Warning !! wine binary (still) found, which may indicate a (conflicting) previous installation. You might want to abort and uninstall Wine first. (If you previously tried to install from source manually, run 'make uninstall' from the wine root directory) wine should be uninstalled. Is this because libwine is still there and needs removing, or something else? Then the error Code: checking for X... no configure: error: X development files not found. Wine will be built without X support, which probably isn't what you want. You will need to install development packages of Xlib/Xfree86 at the very least. Use the --without-x option if you really want this. now reading this ( rather useful guide it suggests running Code: sudo apt-get build-dep wine Will this install those missing files? (edit: Given the correct source repositories) Have not used this command before. Conky is showing 22% 325MiB free. Will this be good still for downloads and install? Googling along, the read me in /home/user/download/wine-1.1.21 says > Basic requirements: > You need to have the X11 development include files installed > (called xlib6g-dev in Debian) So checking that Code: home/user> apt-cache policy xlib6g-dev W: Unable to locate package xlib6g-dev shows it as not available. so a source for that is required. Will look into that now. :D