Hi all, Got a very frustrating problem here, I've been trying to use hamachi to play a few games over it's virtual lan connection. With all the games in question, be they native or run via wine, they all seem to not be able to pick up on the hamachi network. My /etc/hosts file has the following entries. sirbubbles-desktop localhost sirbubbles-desktop I had /etc/network/interfaces set up with the ham0 network interface, but since it didn't seem to be working, I thought I might have mucked it up, and deleted it. The games that I've been trying to run are Warcraft 3 with a special version of wine that's been patched for networking and battle.net, and works over my local network, as well as Red alert 2 with a udp patch to allow lan games. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 with a lan connection to my adsl router, if that makes any difference. The router also supports wireless, but I'm using lan for my pc. Also, this all works fine under windows, on my end and on my friend's end. And I have no software firewall installed, and hamachi as well as the games have all their respective ports forwarded. Thanks for your help.