Forgot to change from address... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Gert van den Berg <gert@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 9:03 PM Subject: Re: multiple users on LINUX - way to share a single .wine To: James Mckenzie <jjmckenzie51@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Cc: wine-users@xxxxxxxxxx On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 8:05 PM, James Mckenzie <jjmckenzie51@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > The real question is why do you want only one .wine directory? It is possible to install a program multiple times under Linux and then redirect a user to a particular installation on a shared drive. I'm under the assumption that licensing issues are at the root of this issue and Wine should not be used to circumvent them. If the issue is something else then explain why this is needed. It may be necessary to submit a bug report. Please keep in mind that this may not be implemented for a long time if ever. I can see how this can be useful in a multi-user environment where users have limited privileges... (Corporate, internet cafe, etc) An administrator installs Wine with all relevant applications, shares it, user runs application with settings saved in HKCU and his/her own home directory... This also allows for centralized updates, etc. I only have a use for "Documents and settings" equivalent that is shared between prefixes.... (I install almost every program in a seperate WINEPREFIX and it would be useful to have a easy way to have a separate, shared settings location for easy backups, etc...) (something like ~/.wine-profiles or ~/wine-profiles) The Desktop, My Documents and Start Menu is nicely integrated at the moment... Gert