> > 1> Component Pallet Loading throws Missing BPLs but > at the end all components are properly Loaded. > 2> Form - Editor - Object Inspector switching with > Function Keys have some glitches. > > > 1) Can you run it from the terminal and see what does it say? I don't have any missing BPL messages. Given my Delphi install is really really old. > Thanks Vitamin, I have solved First problem by setting path to all required BPLs with regedit and Modifying the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\Path (Actually I edited System.reg with kate in my Delphi 5 bottle.) Now all components are loaded without any missing BPL errors. > > 2) What sort of glitches? > Like instead of F11 I have to use F12 only to switch between Form and Object Inspector. Very minor just a matter of getting used to it. BTW can u use <Ctrl><Space> to get autocompletion to work ? Can u get drop down boxes in Object Inspector ? If yes then tell me what u did for that. I am not getting these things working causing lot of inconvenience. Thanks and Best Regards Raja Patil