The application Talk Now is a commercial windows app. there is a range of identical CD's for different languages from I first tried just clicking on the start.exe icon in konqueror, this ran the apps user interface but produced an error from any selection from its menu ( cannot find f:/data/whatever file ) I then copied the install.exe to /home/dave and from a terminal ran wine install.exe, this produced a desktop icon which when clicked also ran the apps user interface, but with the same error problem. I have now tried from a terminal cd ing into the Talk Now! directory on the CD and ran wine start.exe, this also runs the apps user interface but with the same error problem. Also tried wine install.exe from the same directory, but same problem. There are only 2 .exe files on the CD install.exe and start.exe As the app is able to record users name and scores I guess the user interface runs from the hard drive and uses the CD /data files for every thing else. The only way to access the CD from a terminal is to cd into /media, then entering cd Talk followed by pressing TAB, this displays cd Talk\ Now\!/ pressing return then enters the Talk Now! directory The only reference to f: is in the config.txt file on the hard drive along with a TalkNow file that also runs the apps user interface, but with the same old error problem.