Hi Distro is Mandriva spring 2008, wine version 1.1.2, installed via Mandriva I moved the install.exe file to /home/dave and from a console ran wine install.exe 4 icons appeared on the desktop, with 2 different results if clicked. 1) a window opens with the following error message :- Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder file:///mnt/winc//PROG~FBU/ EuroTalk/Talk~JUJ/TalkNow.exe does not exist 2) The application starts ( CD not activated ) and the user interface can be used to get to a selection menu, but clicking on a menu selection opens a window with this error :- Import of f:\data\sources\2source\FW\FW35.PNG failed Cannot open file "F:\data\sources\2source\FW\FW35.PNG". File not found. Wine Configuration - Disks reads as follows :- A: /media/floppy C: ../drive_c D: /home/dave E: /dev/sr0 F: /media/TalkNow G: /media/TalkNow Z: / The directory /home/dave/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/EuroTalk/TalkNowPlus contains the TalkNow.exe file, and a config.txt file which includes the line :- Root=f:\data The icon with error 1) has the following properties - meta info Points To C:\PROG~FBU\EuroTalk\Talk~JUJ\TalkNow.exe Location on Windows disk The icon with error 2) has the following properties - Application Command env WINEPREFIX="/home/dave/.wine" wine "C:\PROG~FBU\EuroTalk\ Talk~JUJ\TalkNow.exe" force Work Path /home/dave/.wine/dosdevices/C:/Program Files/EuroTalk/TalkNowPlus I am totally stuck on this one, so any help appreciated. Regards Dave P.