En/na kynan ha escrit:
I tried switching to low-quality sound a couple times. No improvement. I also tried OSS, Esound, etc. And the crashes happen no matter what the window decoration stuff is. Generally, I run it in a virtual desktop, but I've tried all the different settings in 'Graphics.' And the problems seem to be generally in online play. But running my own server will eventually crash too.
I have the exact same behaviour with another game ( X-session lock-up
while music from other programs continue working ok, but no mouse and no
keyboard, so any Ctrl-Alt-XX keystroke does nothing). My game can only
be played online.
I asked before in the list and I was told it was an ATI-related problem.
Somebody asked you to test with other games, so I thought that maybe you
were interested in giving it a try, specially because it is free to
download, register and play:
Tales of Pirates (http://top.igg.com/).
I found another walkaround to kill the game other than hard reset: login
with a remote terminal ( ssh ) and kill the process, maybe you could try
if it works for you, obviously you will have to set up the ssh server,
which should not be very difficult. I can help you off-list if you are
interested in trying.