oiaohm wrote: > Ok Delphi please look a freepascal http://www.freepascal.org/ > > http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/FPC_and_Apache_Modules They nicely cover linking straight into Apache Module system and being native code. > > Best way is basically don't use wine/linux in a web server setup if you can. > > Wine is quite a large overhead. Also if application uses 1 hidden window as a lot of code does. It needs a X11 server of some form to run best performance comes out a Linux server when you don't have to run graphical. > > Linux can be made speak a lot of different interlink types. The ones vitamin listed have a fairly low overhead. http://tldp.org/LDP/lpg/node7.html Good read of the defualt ones build into posix standard. > > If you don't mind higher overheads freedce can be used to give dcom as well as the newish standard http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-Bus . > > There are many more options. D-Bus has a lot of parts on it you can out box that are native code. D-Bus is the closest thing to a Linux Com system its also being developed to operate on windows. > > PS try native msvcrt that spot in wine kinda need a rework some application take off like a bat out of hell when doing a lot of string processing when that is changed. Thank you all, I will read up on the links, your answers are very useful. You recommend not using Linux/Wine, is this for security reasons or performance reasons, or both? You also say that "Wine is quite a large overhead." On a Dual, or more, Core machine, is the overhead still significant? As for overhead on the communication between web-front and "backend-app-servers", one can use different approaches which makes overhead more, or less, significant. I have experience from optimized data-exchange between DCOM server/client by "semantic grouping", that is, in chunks of closely related data, in order to reduce the NUMBER of calls (often the size of packets is less significant). Adding the security aspect to it, and with the above in mind, I think I'd prefer "easiest to learn/use&deploy"... :) And of course, a protocol that will last over time. Would the above reasoning lead to a "given candidate" for the communication protocol to go for between Wine/Win32(Delphi) and, say, a Linux PHP-web app? The last PS clause went beyond for me. Can you please rephrase? Regards, // Rolf Lampa