X11 won't launch HELP!!!

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Hey :D
Mac OSX 10.5 here.

I'm having lots of trouble with Darwine.
When I try to launch an app I get the following sign (sometimes):
[Image: http://i30.tinypic.com/2e5v0xe.png ]

And in the log I get:

X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 0 0x46ee5c 4
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
Please ensure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°?¡±°0:Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
x11drv: Can't open display: :0.0
Please ensure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.

When I try to manually launch X11 from the Utilities folder it doesn't launch. It doesn't even appear on the dock for a second, just ignores me asking it to open!
Here the Console Log when trying to open X11:

23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -audit int             set audit trail level 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -auth file             select authorization file 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -br                    create root window with black background 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] +bs                    enable any backing store support 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -bs                    disable any backing store support 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -c                     turns off key-click 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] c #                    key-click volume (0-100) 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -cc int                default color visual class 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -co file               color database file 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -core                  generate core dump on fatal error 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -dpi int               screen resolution in dots per inch 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] dpms                   enables VESA DPMS monitor control 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -dpms                  disables VESA DPMS monitor control 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -f #                   bell base (0-100) 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -fc string             cursor font 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -fn string             default font name 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -fp string             default font path 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -help                  prints message with these options 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -I                     ignore all remaining arguments 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -ld int                limit data space to N Kb 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -lf int                limit number of open files to N 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -ls int                limit stack space to N Kb 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -nolock                disable the locking mechanism 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -logo                  enable logo in screen saver 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] nologo                 disable logo in screen saver 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -nolisten string       don't listen on protocol 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -noreset               don't reset after last client exists 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -reset                 reset after last client exists 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -p #                   screen-saver pattern duration (minutes) 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -r                     turns off auto-repeat 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] r                      turns on auto-repeat  
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes) 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -sp file               security policy file 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -su                    disable any save under support 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -t #                   mouse threshold (pixels) 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -terminate             terminate at server reset 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -to #                  connection time out 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -tst                   disable testing extensions 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] ttyxx                  server started from init on /dev/ttyxx 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] v                      video blanking for screen-saver 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -v                     screen-saver without video blanking 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -wr                    create root window with white background 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -x string              loads named extension at init time  
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -maxbigreqsize         set maximal bigrequest size  
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] +xinerama              Enable XINERAMA extension 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -xinerama              Disable XINERAMA extension 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -dumbSched             Disable smart scheduling, enable old behavior 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -schedInterval int     Set scheduler interval in msec 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] +extension name        Enable extension 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -extension name        Disable extension 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -multicast [addr [hops]] IPv6 multicast for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -from local-address    specify the local address to connect from 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -once                  Terminate server after one session 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -class display-class   specify display class to send in manage 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -kb                    disable the X Keyboard Extension 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] +kb                    enable the X Keyboard Extension 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] [+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ] 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344]                        enable/disable accessx key sequences 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] Device Dependent Usage: 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -fakebuttons : fake a three button mouse with Command and Option keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -nofakebuttons : don't fake a three button mouse. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -fakemouse2 <modifiers> : fake middle mouse button with modifier keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -fakemouse3 <modifiers> : fake right mouse button with modifier keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344]   ex: -fakemouse2 "option,shift" = option-shift-click is middle button. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -keymap <file> : read the keymapping from a file instead of the kernel. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -version : show the server version. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] Quartz modes: 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -fullscreen : run full screen in parallel with Mac OS X window server. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -rootless : run rootless inside Mac OS X window server. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -quartz : use default Mac OS X window server mode 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] Options ignored in rootless mode: 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -size <height> <width> : use a screen resolution of <height> x <width>. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -depth <8,15,24> : use this bit depth. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] -refresh <rate> : use a monitor refresh rate of <rate> Hz. 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] Fatal server error: 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] Unrecognized option: -launchd 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344]    AbortDDX 
23/5/08 7:35:22 PM org.x.X11[4344] Quitting Xquartz... 
23/5/08 7:35:33 PM com.apple.launchd[89] (org.x.X11[4344]) Exited with exit code: 1 
23/5/08 7:35:33 PM org.x.X11[4346] X11.app = /usr/X11/X11.app/Contents/MacOS/X11 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] Unrecognized option: -launchd 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] use: X [:<display>] [option] 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -a #                   mouse acceleration (pixels) 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -ac                    disable access control restrictions 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -audit int             set audit trail level 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -auth file             select authorization file 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -br                    create root window with black background 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] +bs                    enable any backing store support 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -bs                    disable any backing store support 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -c                     turns off key-click 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] c #                    key-click volume (0-100) 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -cc int                default color visual class 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -co file               color database file 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -core                  generate core dump on fatal error 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -dpi int               screen resolution in dots per inch 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] dpms                   enables VESA DPMS monitor control 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -dpms                  disables VESA DPMS monitor control 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -f #                   bell base (0-100) 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -fc string             cursor font 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -fn string             default font name 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -fp string             default font path 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -help                  prints message with these options 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -I                     ignore all remaining arguments 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -ld int                limit data space to N Kb 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -lf int                limit number of open files to N 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -ls int                limit stack space to N Kb 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -nolock                disable the locking mechanism 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -logo                  enable logo in screen saver 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] nologo                 disable logo in screen saver 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -nolisten string       don't listen on protocol 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -noreset               don't reset after last client exists 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -reset                 reset after last client exists 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -p #                   screen-saver pattern duration (minutes) 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -r                     turns off auto-repeat 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] r                      turns on auto-repeat  
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes) 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -sp file               security policy file 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -su                    disable any save under support 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -t #                   mouse threshold (pixels) 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -terminate             terminate at server reset 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -to #                  connection time out 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -tst                   disable testing extensions 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] ttyxx                  server started from init on /dev/ttyxx 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] v                      video blanking for screen-saver 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -v                     screen-saver without video blanking 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -wr                    create root window with white background 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -x string              loads named extension at init time  
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -maxbigreqsize         set maximal bigrequest size  
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] +xinerama              Enable XINERAMA extension 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -xinerama              Disable XINERAMA extension 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -dumbSched             Disable smart scheduling, enable old behavior 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -schedInterval int     Set scheduler interval in msec 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] +extension name        Enable extension 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -extension name        Disable extension 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -multicast [addr [hops]] IPv6 multicast for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -from local-address    specify the local address to connect from 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -once                  Terminate server after one session 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -class display-class   specify display class to send in manage 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -kb                    disable the X Keyboard Extension 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] +kb                    enable the X Keyboard Extension 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] [+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ] 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346]                        enable/disable accessx key sequences 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] Device Dependent Usage: 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -fakebuttons : fake a three button mouse with Command and Option keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -nofakebuttons : don't fake a three button mouse. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -fakemouse2 <modifiers> : fake middle mouse button with modifier keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -fakemouse3 <modifiers> : fake right mouse button with modifier keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346]   ex: -fakemouse2 "option,shift" = option-shift-click is middle button. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -keymap <file> : read the keymapping from a file instead of the kernel. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -version : show the server version. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] Quartz modes: 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -fullscreen : run full screen in parallel with Mac OS X window server. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -rootless : run rootless inside Mac OS X window server. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -quartz : use default Mac OS X window server mode 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] Options ignored in rootless mode: 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -size <height> <width> : use a screen resolution of <height> x <width>. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -depth <8,15,24> : use this bit depth. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] -refresh <rate> : use a monitor refresh rate of <rate> Hz. 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] Fatal server error: 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] Unrecognized option: -launchd 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346]    AbortDDX 
23/5/08 7:35:34 PM org.x.X11[4346] Quitting Xquartz... 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM com.apple.launchd[89] (org.x.X11[4346]) Exited with exit code: 1 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] X11.app = /usr/X11/X11.app/Contents/MacOS/X11 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] Unrecognized option: -launchd 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] use: X [:<display>] [option] 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -a #                   mouse acceleration (pixels) 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -ac                    disable access control restrictions 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -audit int             set audit trail level 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -auth file             select authorization file 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -br                    create root window with black background 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] +bs                    enable any backing store support 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -bs                    disable any backing store support 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -c                     turns off key-click 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] c #                    key-click volume (0-100) 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -cc int                default color visual class 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -co file               color database file 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -core                  generate core dump on fatal error 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -dpi int               screen resolution in dots per inch 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] dpms                   enables VESA DPMS monitor control 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -dpms                  disables VESA DPMS monitor control 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -f #                   bell base (0-100) 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -fc string             cursor font 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -fn string             default font name 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -fp string             default font path 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -help                  prints message with these options 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -I                     ignore all remaining arguments 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -ld int                limit data space to N Kb 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -lf int                limit number of open files to N 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -ls int                limit stack space to N Kb 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -nolock                disable the locking mechanism 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -logo                  enable logo in screen saver 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] nologo                 disable logo in screen saver 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -nolisten string       don't listen on protocol 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -noreset               don't reset after last client exists 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -reset                 reset after last client exists 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -p #                   screen-saver pattern duration (minutes) 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -r                     turns off auto-repeat 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] r                      turns on auto-repeat  
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes) 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -sp file               security policy file 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -su                    disable any save under support 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -t #                   mouse threshold (pixels) 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -terminate             terminate at server reset 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -to #                  connection time out 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -tst                   disable testing extensions 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] ttyxx                  server started from init on /dev/ttyxx 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] v                      video blanking for screen-saver 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -v                     screen-saver without video blanking 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -wr                    create root window with white background 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -x string              loads named extension at init time  
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -maxbigreqsize         set maximal bigrequest size  
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] +xinerama              Enable XINERAMA extension 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -xinerama              Disable XINERAMA extension 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -dumbSched             Disable smart scheduling, enable old behavior 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -schedInterval int     Set scheduler interval in msec 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] +extension name        Enable extension 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -extension name        Disable extension 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -multicast [addr [hops]] IPv6 multicast for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -from local-address    specify the local address to connect from 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -once                  Terminate server after one session 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -class display-class   specify display class to send in manage 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -kb                    disable the X Keyboard Extension 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] +kb                    enable the X Keyboard Extension 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] [+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ] 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348]                        enable/disable accessx key sequences 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] Device Dependent Usage: 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -fakebuttons : fake a three button mouse with Command and Option keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -nofakebuttons : don't fake a three button mouse. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -fakemouse2 <modifiers> : fake middle mouse button with modifier keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -fakemouse3 <modifiers> : fake right mouse button with modifier keys. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348]   ex: -fakemouse2 "option,shift" = option-shift-click is middle button. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -keymap <file> : read the keymapping from a file instead of the kernel. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -version : show the server version. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] Quartz modes: 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -fullscreen : run full screen in parallel with Mac OS X window server. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -rootless : run rootless inside Mac OS X window server. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -quartz : use default Mac OS X window server mode 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] Options ignored in rootless mode: 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -size <height> <width> : use a screen resolution of <height> x <width>. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -depth <8,15,24> : use this bit depth. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] -refresh <rate> : use a monitor refresh rate of <rate> Hz. 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] Fatal server error: 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] Unrecognized option: -launchd 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348]    AbortDDX 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM org.x.X11[4348] Quitting Xquartz... 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM [0x0-0x698698].org.x.X11_launcher[4350] command=/usr/X11/bin/xterm 
23/5/08 7:35:46 PM com.apple.launchd[89] ([0x0-0x698698].org.x.X11_launcher[4350]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 4351 PPID 1 login

Many TIAs to whoever can solve this for me!!!
I can't live without uTorrent!!!!!!

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