I was hoping for a way to do this from the command line.
Perhaps I want to run the same application twice at the same time
so two windows are open and showing different things. Like two differnent power points.
Also I am running GNOME.
Is there no way to do this?
On Sunday December 31 2006 14:42, Fabrice DELENTE wrote:
/ > This works and opens my app in an 800x600 window
/>/ >
/>/ > How do I control where on screen it opens???
/>/ It is generally controlled by your window manager, but I doubt there is a
/>/ way to tell it where to put the window by coordinates. Desktop environments
/>/ like KDE or Gnome often save the position where the window was when it was
/>/ closed; I'm not sure they can do much more than that.
In KDE you can control positions where windows opens. In window menu
(accessible by pressing Alt+F3 or other combination depending on your
configuration) click "Advanced -> Special Window Settings" or "Advanced ->
Special Application Settings". There you can set almost everything for given
window or application including its exact position on the screen when it
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