Re: Re: No "CD" recognized

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Hi Deb


Brings up a box where you can set such things as drive letters vs devices/paths. It writes data into a "registry" rather than the usual dot files. (Look in $HOME/.wine)
I also get the occcasional cant find CD location msg but havent 
investigated. I note that for some obscure reason it picks the wrong 
drive letter to look at...
wine has man pages in my built from source install. winecfg deoesnt seem 
to though.
Cant help with the memory question sorry. I suggest though that you look 
at a more recently built wine RPM for SuSE rather than use their stock 
one. winehq has links to where to download them.
Cheers Bob

Delbert Freeman wrote:
So, the
question is, has there been a change in the Linux kernel or is it Wine
that is the problem?

Is there a config file for Wine?  If so,where is it and does it have a
"Man" page that actually tells you what is going on?
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