Re: [Wine]School Software with WINE

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Now then, heres an update on my situation, hopefully this thread isn't
old enough to slip through the cracks yet. I know it is long, but
please take a minute or two to read through it.

I spent majority of my time since my last message to the list
wrestling with Novell's site (very poor connection quality) to
download SUSE Linux Enterprise Server so that I could set up a proper
test machine with a newer kernel and packages. I then installed it
SLES, LTSP and WINE from their respective sites. The WINE version I
grabbed was 20041201. I followed Joachim's suggestion to install from
the CD and it worked (the install for ProCare).

The situation I face is that we are currently using software called
ProCare and are planning a switch to another called DCMS. ProCare so
far seems to be running properly, I can't actually log in to it yet
until tomorrow as I have to activate it via their telephone support
and due to the holidays they are closed. We will need to run both side
by side for a time. The more urgent matter is getting DCMS to work.

Installing DCMS from the CD leaves me with two seperate problems. For
clarity the messages in quotes are from message boxes that the program
itself pops up. Following them if relevant is the console output from

Error #1 occurs the first time WINE is run on Setup.exe and says:
"Error extracting Support files. (0x8003004)"
tree:/media/cdrom # wine Setup.exe
fixme:ole:RegisterTypeLib Registering non-oleautomation interface!
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects
[this message is repeated about 50 times]
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects
err:ole:MARSHAL_Register_Proxy Already have mid?
fixme:ole:CoUnmarshalInterface Failed to create instance of
unmarshaller {0000030b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}.
fixme:ole:_unmarshal_interface Marshalling interface
{aa7e2068-cb55-11d2-8094-00104b1f9838} failed with 800401f0
fixme:ole:deserialize_param failed to stuballoc in TKIND_RECORD.
fixme:ole:TMStubImpl_Invoke Failed to deserialize param
pTransferEvents, hres 800401f0
fixme:ole:CoUnmarshalInterface Failed to create instance of
unmarshaller {0000030b-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}.
fixme:ole:_unmarshal_interface Marshalling interface
{aa7e2068-cb55-11d2-8094-00104b1f9838} failed with 800401f0
fixme:ole:deserialize_param failed to stuballoc in TKIND_RECORD.
fixme:ole:TMStubImpl_Invoke Failed to deserialize param
pTransferEvents, hres 800401f0
fixme:ole:PipeBuf_Release Free all stuff
[this message is repeated about 10 times]
fixme:ole:PipeBuf_Release Free all stuff
tree:/media/cdrom # fixme:ole:read_pipe Read only 0 of 4 bytes from 0x54.
fixme:ole:_StubReaderThread Failed with hres 80004005

Error #2 happens when I run the Setup.exe again off of the CD and
after the first error:
"Error Installing iKernel.exe(0x1400)"
This second error can be fixed with a simple killall wine-server
before I start the DCMS Setup.exe again.

For DCMS copying the installation folder from a windows system's hard
drive to the server and attempting to run an exe from the bin folder
directory gives me some encouragement. The program appears to start
properly until I receive an error saying "Can not load the program,
contact OT, Inc." including this debug from wine:
tree:~/.wine/drive_c/DCMS9003/Bin # wine DCMS9003.exe
fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub
fixme:ole:MSFT_ReadValue BSTR length = -1?
fixme:ole:MSFT_ReadValue BSTR length = -1?
fixme:ole:ITypeLibComp_fnBind (L"Date", 103b0a, 0x3, 0x4068dff4,
0x4068e010, 0x4068dff8): stub
fixme:ole:ITypeLibComp_fnBind (L"Date", 103b0a, 0x3, 0x4068ef04,
0x4068ef20, 0x4068ef08): stub
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_Construct Unsupported type 3
partially implemented.
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal (0x403b5dd0)->(0x4068f778): stub
partially implemented.
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint tried to find connection
point on {33ad4f92-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}?
fixme:ole:OLEPictureImpl_FindConnectionPoint tried to find connection
point on {33ad4ed2-6699-11cf-b70c-00aa0060d393}?
fixme:ole:CoDisconnectObject (0x40367008, 0): stub - probably harmless
fixme:ole:CoDisconnectObject (0x403e8e58, 0): stub - probably harmless
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects
[this message is repeated about 20 times]
fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects
fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub
tree:~/.wine/drive_c/DCMS9003/Bin #

Last thing that I noticed is the ProCare software (what few parts I
can access without the license) runs somewhat sluggishly. The computer
has a 2.8 P4 & 512MB  of RAM. I understood from the WINE FAQ that the
applications should run at a comparable speed to running natively on

Thank you in advance for your comments, suggestions, and help,
wine-users mailing list

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