I found I had a disk of TurboCAD LTE, and installed it in Wine on
PCLOS-32-KDE, but it wouldn't run. I have tried to get rid of it, and I
don't know if I have
found all the instances of it, since neither "Find Files" gui nor
locate pointed to any of them. so I poked around in the various
directories, and I think I found
most or all instances, but if I start Wine, it shows "IMSI Design
TurboCAD LTE 4" and that entry points to 5 more files, but they are not
removable from
that utility. I don't know if any of them are still on the system.
As a matter of interest, I cannot seem to get into any of the c: or d:
(etc.) directories from a terminal, but I can find them in Konqueror
and the unwanted
programs in them that I can find I can delete via this GUI.
Before I clutter up the system with something else that may not work,
I'd like to know how to clean out those things that don't!