And the last thing you have to try is this: Download this utility (bfs2unpacker) from here: you need only 2 files from that archive - bfs2unpacker.exe and zlib1.dll At first, place zlib1.dll into the game folder and start Flatout2.exe, if you'll see it doesn't help yet, use the bfs2unpacker. Print in terminal: Code: cd /home/joao/.wine/drive_c/Programas/Empire\ Interactive/FlatOut2/ wine bfs2unpacker.exe fo2a.bfs and wait for extraction of all files from .bfs (approx. 3-5 minutes). you'll see new "Data" folder appear with sub-folders inside then repeat it for next files: Code: wine bfs2unpacker.exe fo2b.bfs Code: wine bfs2unpacker.exe fo2b.bfs When all will be done, delete or rename filesystem - file also, if your game will start working you may delete all three fo2n.bfs, you don't need them anymore, cause all game data will be in its folder now. Yesterday I've checked that method, and it works. Don't forget that d3dx9_30.dll must present in game directory also.