WineConsole: sb and win size change handling

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as also discussed on wine-devel, when in configuration dialog box, sizes of both screen buffer and window were changed, we must enforce that sb is always bigger than window in the step by step change algorithm. we weren't doing so. Now we do.

Eric Pouech
Name:          wc_set
ChangeLog:     fixed behavior when changing both sb and win size, as the order of operation is important to keep sb always bigger than win
License:       X11
GenDate:       2003/02/23 09:18:57 UTC
ModifiedFiles: programs/wineconsole/wineconsole.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/wine/wine/programs/wineconsole/wineconsole.c,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -u -r1.20 wineconsole.c
--- programs/wineconsole/wineconsole.c	9 Jan 2003 06:01:51 -0000	1.20
+++ programs/wineconsole/wineconsole.c	23 Feb 2003 09:18:21 -0000
@@ -410,28 +410,89 @@
         data->curcfg.def_attr = cfg->def_attr;
         SetConsoleTextAttribute(data->hConOut, cfg->def_attr);
-    if (force || data->curcfg.sb_width != cfg->sb_width ||
-        data->curcfg.sb_height != cfg->sb_height)
-    {
-        COORD       c;
+    /* now let's look at the window / sb size changes...
+     * since the server checks that sb is always bigger than window, 
+     * we have to take care of doing the operations in the right order
+     */
+    /* a set of macros to make things easier to read 
+     * The Test<A><B> macros test if the <A> (width/height) needs to be changed 
+     * for <B> (window / ScreenBuffer) 
+     * The Change<A><B> actually modify the <B> dimension of <A>.
+     */
+#define TstSBfWidth()   (force || data->curcfg.sb_width != cfg->sb_width)
+#define TstWinWidth()   (force || data->curcfg.win_width != cfg->win_width)
-        c.X = cfg->sb_width;
-        c.Y = cfg->sb_height;
+#define ChgSBfWidth()   do {c.X = cfg->sb_width; \
+                            c.Y = data->curcfg.sb_height;\
+                            SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(data->hConOut, c);\
+                        } while (0)
+#define ChgWinWidth()   do {pos.Left = pos.Top = 0; \
+                            pos.Right = cfg->win_width - 1; \
+                            pos.Bottom = data->curcfg.win_height - 1; \
+                            SetConsoleWindowInfo(data->hConOut, FALSE, &pos);\
+                        } while (0)
+#define TstSBfHeight()  (force || data->curcfg.sb_height != cfg->sb_height)
+#define TstWinHeight()  (force || data->curcfg.win_height != cfg->win_height)
+/* since we're going to apply height after width is done, we use width as defined 
+ * in cfg, and not in data->curcfg because if won't be updated yet */
+#define ChgSBfHeight()  do {c.X = cfg->sb_width; c.Y = cfg->sb_height; \
+                            SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(data->hConOut, c); \
+                        } while (0)
+#define ChgWinHeight()  do {pos.Left = pos.Top = 0; \
+                            pos.Right = cfg->win_width - 1; \
+                            pos.Bottom = cfg->win_height - 1; \
+                            SetConsoleWindowInfo(data->hConOut, FALSE, &pos);\
+                        } while (0)
-        /* this shall update (through notif) curcfg */
-        SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(data->hConOut, c);
-    }
-    if (force || data->curcfg.win_width != cfg->win_width ||
-        data->curcfg.win_height != cfg->win_height)
+    do
+        COORD       c;
         SMALL_RECT  pos;
-        pos.Left = pos.Top = 0;
-        pos.Right = cfg->win_width - 1;
-        pos.Bottom = cfg->win_height - 1;
-        /* this shall update (through notif) curcfg */
-        SetConsoleWindowInfo(data->hConOut, FALSE, &pos);
-    }
+        if (TstSBfWidth())            
+        {
+            if (TstWinWidth())
+            {
+                /* we're changing both at the same time, do it in the right order */
+                if (cfg->sb_width >= data->curcfg.win_width)
+                {
+                    ChgSBfWidth(); ChgWinWidth();
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ChgWinWidth(); ChgSBfWidth();
+                }
+            }
+            else ChgSBfWidth();
+        }
+        else if (TstWinWidth()) ChgWinWidth();
+        if (TstSBfHeight())
+        {
+            if (TstWinHeight())
+            {
+                if (cfg->sb_height >= data->curcfg.win_height)
+                {
+                    ChgSBfHeight(); ChgWinHeight();
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ChgWinHeight(); ChgSBfHeight();
+                }
+            }
+            else ChgSBfHeight();
+        }
+        else if (TstWinHeight()) ChgWinHeight();
+    } while (0);
+#undef TstSBfWidth
+#undef TstWinWidth
+#undef ChgSBfWidth
+#undef ChgWinWidth
+#undef TstSBfHeight
+#undef TstWinHeight
+#undef ChgSBfHeight
+#undef ChgWinHeight
     data->curcfg.exit_on_die = cfg->exit_on_die;
     if (force || data->curcfg.edition_mode != cfg->edition_mode)

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