1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 From: Steffen Kutterolf <skutterolf@xxxxxxxxx> Dear tephra enthusiasts working in the Mediterranean region, We would like to announce here the 2nd circular for the workshop: *"Tephrochronostratigraphy and associated research of the Mediterraneanâ??* taking place in Kiel, Germany from 23th to 25th of April. The Mediterranean region is known to be vulnerable for submarine and emergent explosive volcanism that present an ongoing hazard for populated regions in many parts of the world. Submarine volcanic deposits therefore record eruption, transport, and depositional processes. The marine sediment archive allows to reconstruct their volcanic provenance and high-resolution eruptive and event time series alongside meticulous description of associated petrogenetic processes and eruption triggers. Marine exploration, including seismic, coring, and drilling campaigns, field studies, and experimental and theoretical work, advances knowledge on transport and deposition as well as the systematics of volcanic deposits in the oceans in combination with independent proxies and precise age models. *This workshop aims to bring together researchers working on modern and ancient marine volcanic deposits, petrology as well as age and climate proxies in a holistic approach using marine exploration, field studies, and experimental and theoretical work in the Mediterranean.* We focus particularly on tephrochronostratigraphy, age models, eruption time series, and geophysical observations to understand the formation of volcanic deposits on the seafloor and their link to tectonic processes and sea level variation, as well as on petrologic studies of magmatic processes over time. We aim for a hybrid between a conference and a simple workshop. Therefore, initial oral presentations with lots of time for discussion, will be followed by breakout sessions focusing on future collaborations and research initiatives. The deadline for abstract submission and registration will be the 7th of March 2025. For further information as well as the 1st and 2nd circular can be found on: https://events.geomar.de/event/566/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://events.geomar.de/event/566/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!aqxNUeLi8I09oRY-l2el9WYoWCw2ITIihGL4hmpPUfhC7Pql3Lr5PpbK9rujG8zxE3ATW_WkpZyofPI0mhLXBQT9LA$> See you there Steffen and Julie 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 ------------------------------